Sunday 13 March 2011

Coasters - Hourglass Blocks

After finishing my girl's quilt, which used hourglass blocks, I had quite a few left over so I thought I'd keep them and make something with them at a later date...

Well, here is one idea I've come up with.  After browsing online, I found several good tutorials for coasters and thought that these spare hourglass blocks might make good coasters.  So I put a few of the good ideas I'd seen from various tutorials together and came up with these.  I sewed two blocks together with two layers of batting in between, and bound the edges using 1" binding strips - which was more fiddly than I thought it would be.  In essence, these are tiny quilts.

I might try making a few more, but this time I won't try to mitre the bound edge - just bind it one edge at a time and machine stitch it down.  And I'll make the binding slightly wider as well.

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